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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


The Ministry of Labour’s Labour Licensing Department received approximately 99,458 applications in the second quarter of 2024, the ministry’s Statistical Bulletin has revealed.

According to the bulletin, the applications included 15,969 for new recruitment, 66,898 for general work permits (personal number extension) and 2,804 applications for special work permits (family sponsorship/GCC nationals/investors/beneficiaries of property ownership, etc.).

Regarding labour complaints, the statistical bulletin showed that the Labour Dispute Department received 6,849 complaints, of which 2,228 were settled. The Labour Dispute Department also received 345 public reports, all of which were resolved.

About the Labour Dispute Settlement Committees, the bulletin revealed that approximately 1,831 cases were referred to the committee during the second quarter of 2024, with a total of 1,229 decisions issued by the committees.

Regarding employment contracts, the statistical bulletin indicated that Labour Relations Department processed around 220,877 applications for contract authentication, with 21,078 requests submitted for labour secondment. The total number of requests for profession modification reached 13,787.

On the supervisory role of the Ministry of Labour over establishments subject to the labour market, the inspection visits conducted by the ministry’s teams revealed the level of compliance of companies and establishments with the Labour Law and the regulatory decisions of the labour market, noting an increase in the percentage of inspection visits that concluded without registering any remarks.

The bulletin showed that the ministry carried out approximately 705 inspection tours of recruitment offices during the second quarter, 683 of which concluded without any remarks, with four warnings issued for violations, and 12 companies being fully or partially shut down, and one violation report being registered.

The Labour Inspection Department also conducted intensive inspection campaigns during the second quarter to monitor the compliance of establishments with the laws and ministerial decisions regulating the labour market in the country, with a total of 12,816 inspection visits across various areas.

These resulted in 1,564 warnings issued to companies to rectify violations, while the number of violation reports against companies reached 1,646. Additionally, the Occupational Safety and Health Department conducted approximately 5,539 inspection visits to work sites and workers’ accommodations.

The Ministry of Labour urged business owners, companies and institutions subject to the provisions of the Labour Law to comply with the law and the regulatory ministerial decisions to contribute to enhancing the work environment in Qatar.

The digital transformation journey implemented by the Ministry of Labour has contributed to streamlining procedures and speeding up the completion of transactions, which positively reflected on the performance of the service departments within the Ministry during the second quarter of 2024.

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