THE Qatar Press Centre (QPC) has expressed its deep concern about the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi after he had entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and was reported to have been brutally killed at the consulate.
In a statement issued on Saturday, the Centre said it was following with great concern the developments regarding the suspicious disappearance of the colleague, Khashoggi, since the first day and the controversy and ambiguity that made his case followed up with interest by the world at large.
The Centre urged human rights and freedom of expression organisations to take strong positions on Khashoggi's disappearance, calling for honest and independent investigations to reveal the truth and expose those involved in the case.
The Centre said it would continue to follow up all developments related to Khashoggi's disappearance until the situation is resolved, adding:"We are following with great concern the fate of colleague Khashoggi in the hope of revealing the truth to the world without any ambiguity."
The Qatar Press Centre denounced any attempt to conceal and waste time to distort facts in the case before presenting it to the world.
It confirmed its principled positions rejecting all forms of target and restriction of journalists, expressing the hope that the investigation bodies would reveal the circumstances and announce the fate of Khashoggi immediately and"prosecute the perpetrators of the evil with transparency".