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Qatar tribune

Khalid Tawalbeh


Brussels will be the stage for a landmark event as the Heads of State and Government from the European Union (EU) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) convene for their first-ever summit on October 16, 2024 (today).

To be co-chaired by the Amir His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and President of the European Council Charles Michel, this summit is poised to be a defining moment in the evolution of relations between these two influential regions.

With significant participation from key figures such as President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and High Representative and Vice-President Josep Borrell Fontelles, the summit underscores a robust commitment to strengthening ties and fostering cooperation across various sectors.

In a press release,the EU delegation in Qatar stressed that this gathering symbolises a pivotal milestone in the partnership between the EU and the GCC, signaling a deliberate intention to elevate their collaboration to a strategic level.

The press release emphasised that this event builds on previous engagements, such as the EU Joint Communication for a Strategic Partnership in 2022 and the 27th EU-GCC Joint Council held in Muscat on October 10, 2023. It also reflects a mutual understanding that cooperation is essential in addressing pressing global challenges.

The release said that the summit will provide a platform for discussing key issues, including security, trade, investment, climate, energy, connectivity and the strengthening of people-to-people contacts.

The press release added that this summit presents an unprecedented opportunity for both blocs to collaborate on shared interests, particularly in light of the current geopolitical tensions in the Middle East.

According to the press release, the EU acknowledged the GCC’s efforts toward de-escalation and peacebuilding in the region, stressing that this summit is not merely an event; it is a strategic initiative aimed at establishing a sustainable framework for collaboration that prioritises prosperity and stability for both regions.

A focal point of the discussions will revolve around trade and investment, as the press release stressed the significance of fostering deeper cooperation in these areas. The leaders aim to explore new avenues for collaboration in the green and digital transitions, sustainable energy, education, research and innovation.

The release highlighted the importance of connecting Asia, the Middle East and Europe through both hard and digital infrastructure, which is crucial for enhancing economic ties and facilitating regional integration.

Moreover, the EU has expressed its commitment to fostering people-to-people relations through various initiatives.

The press release said programmes like Erasmus+ will be instrumental in strengthening inter-regional ties and promoting bilateral cooperation in education, vocational training, women’s empowerment, skills development and civic participation.

The release added that the EU and GCC are also dedicated to enhancing their dialogue on human rights, based on mutual respect as the success of the recent EU-Human Rights Dialogue in late September is a testament to the positive trajectory of this relationship.

Both sides are currently collaborating on implementing joint projects as a follow-up, emphasising a shared commitment to promoting human rights in the region.

On trade relations, the summit is expected to send a powerful political signal to the business communities in the Gulf. The exploration of potential EU chambers of commerce in all GCC states has been underscored as a key initiative that will facilitate trade and investment.

The press release noted that the upcoming EU-GCC Business Forum, scheduled for the end of November in Doha, will provide a platform for dialogue between business leaders and policymakers, further strengthening economic ties.

The Global Gateway initiative, according to the release, provides a framework for cooperation between the EU and GCC partners, focusing on strategic and sustainable investments worldwide. This partnership is not limited to the immediate regions but extends to other areas such as the Horn of Africa, Yemen and Afghanistan.

The press release highlighted that the EU and GCC have already collaborated on finding solutions to the Israel-Palestine conflict, showcasing their commitment to peace and stability in the region. The EU’s support for ongoing diplomatic efforts, particularly the leading role of HH the Amir, underscores the importance of collective action in addressing global challenges.

As security concerns remain paramount in the discussions, particularly given the fragile regional situation, the press release noted that the EU is committed to engaging with regional actors to foster diplomacy, dialogue and restraint to prevent further military escalation.

The GCC is recognized as one of the EU’s key security partners and the EU aims to enhance its role as a security interlocutor for the GCC. This partnership will involve strategic coordination on critical regional security issues, such as de-escalation in the Middle East and addressing threats like terrorism and nuclear proliferation.

The establishment of structured cooperation on disaster management and emergency response was another key point emphasised in the press release. The signing of an agreement between the EU’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre and the GCC Emergency Management Centre will formalise this collaboration, enhancing both regions’ resilience to natural and man-made disasters.

The press release articulated the importance of freedom of navigation and the shared interest in ensuring maritime security, which is crucial for global trade. The EU’s continued collaboration with Gulf countries on security challenges in the Red Sea, including through Operations ATALANTA and ASPIDES, showcases a commitment to addressing these threats.

The release underscored the GCC’s role as a key player in energy markets, noting that its investment in renewable energy and green hydrogen positions it as a significant partner in global decarbonisation efforts.

EU delegation in Qatar also addressed broader global challenges that require concerted efforts between the EU and GCC, including climate change, conflict resolution, sustainable development and humanitarian assistance.

The importance of collaboration in addressing the growing humanitarian needs in the region and beyond was stressed, with both parties acknowledging their responsibilities on the global stage.

The press release indicated that the 2022 Joint Communication on the Strategic Partnership provided a solid platform for advancing humanitarian dialogue and cooperation.

As the summit approaches, the anticipation surrounding the gathering underscores its significance in the context of global geopolitics. Leaders are expected to engage in in-depth discussions that will not only address current challenges but also lay the groundwork for future cooperation.

The EU’s release also highlighted the importance of fostering an environment conducive to dialogue and collaboration, stressing that by bringing together leaders from diverse backgrounds, the summit aims to create a space where innovative ideas can flourish, fostering a spirit of cooperation that transcends traditional boundaries.

As both regions face a rapidly changing global landscape, the summit will serve as a reminder of the potential for collaboration in addressing shared concerns. The press release said the discussions will not only focus on immediate issues but also explore long-term strategies for resilience and growth.

The commitment to sustainability, technological innovation and social development reflects a forward-thinking approach that prioritises the well-being of future generations.

The press release articulated a vision for a partnership that extends beyond the summit itself, envisioning a future where the EU and GCC work collaboratively on a range of issues.

Furthermore, the role of youth in shaping the future of EU-GCC relations was underscored. The press release highlighted initiatives aimed at engaging young leaders in dialogue, recognising their potential as catalysts for change.

By investing in education, mentorship and leadership development, both regions can empower the next generation to take an active role in fostering cooperation and addressing global challenges.

The release expressed optimism about the outcomes of the gathering, highlighting the potential for meaningful dialogue that can lead to tangible results. The commitment to working together on shared interests, coupled with a recognition of the importance of mutual respect and understanding, sets the stage for a fruitful summit.

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