
The Shura Council on Sunday participated in the first plenary meeting of the first session of the fourth legislative term of Arab Parliament at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Arab League in Cairo. The Council was represented in the meeting by HE Shaikha bint Yousef Al Jufairi, HE Issa bin Ahmed Al Nasr, HE Salem bin Rashid Al Muraikhi, and HE Hamad bin Abdullah Al Mulla, members of the Shura Council and members of Arab Parliament.

The session discussed the overall developments and a number of Arab issues, in addition to the latest developments in the occupied Palestinian territories. It also reviewed the reports of the standing committees and a number of topics related to strengthening joint Arab action.

The session adopted a draft decision on the situation in Palestine and the occupied Arab territories, which included the Arab Parliament’s affirmation of the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state with its capital in East Jerusalem, which is an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territories.

The resolution condemned the ongoing Israeli violations against the Palestinian people, including settlements, population displacement, land confiscation, and attacks on Islamic and Christian holy sites.

The Arab Parliament’s decision stressed the need to provide continuous Arab support to enhance the steadfastness of the Palestinians, especially in financial and political aspects, and to provide legal support to protect Palestinian rights in international organisations.

It also called on the international community and the Security Council to take serious steps to stop Israeli violations and ensure the protection of the Palestinian people and their property, and to oblige Israel to implement relevant international legitimacy resolutions.

The Shura Council delegation had earlier participated in the procedural session of the Arab Parliament, during which the president and vice-presidents as well as heads of the permanent committees of the Arab Parliament were elected.

HE Hamad bin Abdullah Al Mulla was elected (by acclamation) as chair of the Foreign Affairs, Political and National Security Committee of the Arab Parliament. HE Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Yamahi was elected as president of the Arab Parliament.

On the other hand, HE Shaikha Al Jufairi participated in the committee that supervised the elections of the Parliament president and his deputies.

The Shura Council delegation also participated in meetings of the permanent committees of the Arab Parliament. Jufairi participated in the meeting of the Social, Educational, Cultural, Women and Youth Affairs Committee, while Nasr participated in the meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Committee, Muraikhi participated in the meeting of the Legislative, Legal and Human Rights Affairs Committee, and Mulla participated in the meeting of the Foreign Affairs, Political and National Security Committee of the Arab Parliament.

During their meetings, the permanent committees discussed an array of important topics. The Social, Educational, Cultural, Women and Youth Affairs Committee addressed the promotion of social and cultural values in Arab countries, and touched on education and upbringing issues, and the development of policies that support women’s and youth rights, with a focus on empowering them socially and economically, and combating the challenges they face, such as unemployment and domestic violence.

The Economic and Financial Committee also raised the economic challenges facing Arab countries, such as inflation and unemployment rates, and the impact of global economic changes on member states, and discussed ways to enhance Arab economic cooperation and support joint investment initiatives to achieve sustainable development.

The Legislative, Legal and Human Rights Affairs Committee discussed human rights issues in the Arab world, and adopted a report on the most prominent proposed legislation to protect rights and freedoms, which included strengthening legal frameworks to combat cross-border crimes, protecting the rights of minorities and freedom of expression, and supporting reform legislation.

The Foreign, Political and National Security Affairs Committee addressed the current political situation in the Arab region, with a focus on security issues, including foreign interventions and regional political crises, and called for strengthening Arab-international cooperation to enhance stability and Arab national security.