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Tribune News Network
Registering strong growth, Qatar’s non-oil exports increased 16.2 percent to QR1.981 billion in October this year when compared to QR1.705 billion in the same month last year, Qatar Chamber has said in its monthly report on foreign trade for the private sector.
Prepared by the department of research, studies and management of member affairs, the report said that 3,213 certificates of origin issued in October included 2,859 general model certificates, 153 unified certificates for the GCC countries (industrial), 178 unified Arab certificates of origin, 21 certificates of origin for preferences and two unified certificates of Singapore.
The report pointed to the trend of non-oil exports to 61 countries in October compared to 60 countries in September. These included 12 Arab countries including the Gulf Cooperation Council states, 14 European countries including Turkey, 16 Asian countries except for the Arab nations, 14 African countries except for the Arab countries and four North and South American countries as well as Australia.
According to the report, Oman topped the list of destination countries for non-oil exports in October with total exports of QR819.418 million representing 41.37 percent of the total value, followed by Turkey with total exports of QR148.484 million representing 7.5 percent.
In third place was United Kingdom with QR115.488 million representing 5.83 percent and Hong Kong stood at fourth place with QR109.716 million representing 5.45 percent.
Netherlands ranked fifth with exports amounting to QR106.574 million representing 5.38 percent of the total value of non-oil exports in October. Singapore, India, China, Lebanon and Bangladesh figured in the top ten destinations. The first ten countries accounted for 83.83 percent of total non-oil exports in October, the report said.
GCC countries including Oman and Kuwait topped the blocs and the economic groups receiving Qatar’s non-oil exports in October with total exports amounting to about QR 845.859 million. The group of Asian countries excluding Arab countries with exports worth about QR488.966 million stood second.
The group of European countries including Turkey came in the third place with total exports amounting to QR 426.367 million followed by the group of Arab countries excluding the GCC countries with total value of exports amounting to about QR 151.929 million.
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