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‘Qatar safe, prosperous; treads a different path’QNA
Qatar is safe and prosperous and has been following a “different path” for years, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al Thani.
Addressing US think tank Council on Foreign Relations in New York on Friday, the Foreign Minister attributed Qatar’s prosperity over the last 20 years to its diplomatic interaction with the world and its keenness to establish global economic partnerships and develop its human capital and investment in the region.
Qatar decided to start a new page of openness two decades ago, Sheikh Mohammed said, pointing out that this decision shaped Qatar’s foreign policy which is characterised by interaction, dialogue and cooperation.
This decision was a new trend in the Middle East and achieved the desired success, he said, adding that Qatar has created friends in different parts of the world.
Sheikh Mohammed said Qatar has become an experienced mediator in a region that does not use negotiation to resolve differences.
“For example, we were able to calm the fighting in Lebanon and helped fill the power vacuum. In Sudan, we helped to stop the war and bring peace to Darfur, and today, we are facilitating talks between the United States of America and the Government of Afghanistan and the Taliban movement.”
The minister said crisis in the Middle East has reached the levels of tension that required experts and thinkers to analyse all concurrent conflicts to reach realistic and lasting solutions for overall peace.
The crisis surrounding Qatar has left people without options “as some countries ignored the basic needs of their peoples and some rulers persecuted their nationals for years. He said the result of such actions had been “a sense of despair, where there is no clean water to drink, no food, no education, no jobs and no dignity.”
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