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Tribune News Network
The Souq Waqif and Souq Al Wakra Spring Festival concluded on Friday with large numbers of residents and visitors thronging the venues in the final burst on the last day.
The festival showcased an array of fun-filled activities. A large portion of the festival activities, hosted by the Organising Committee of the Private Engineering Office, included cultural performances, mainly dances and songs presented by artistes from different countries.
Large crowds swelled along Souq Waqif’s main alley during the performances.
Mohammed al Salem, Director of Souq Waqif, said the festival was able to attract a large number of families.
“The festival witnessed huge turnout that exceeded expectations and the market place was full of visitors. The visitors enjoyed popular shows, cultural performances from different countries. The circus and clown shows provided fulsome entertainment to the visitors,” he said.
Souq Waqif would host the horse festival from January 20 to January 26, he announced.
Salem said the festival contributed to the revival of business in restaurants and shops at Souq Waqif and the occupancy rate in hotels at the market was 100 percent.
He said the market saw a significant presence of tourists who arrived on cruise ships. The visitors enjoyed the atmosphere in the market.
He said teams from different countries reflected the cultural diversity witnessed in Qatar, especially as the country hosts people from all over the world.
He said the upcoming festivals will witness new non-repetitive activities aimed at attracting tourists, residents and Qatari families.
Officials of many of the traditional art teams said the festival became an international confluence of different cultures and arts. It was no longer restricted to Arab culture teams only, but opened up to many cultures from around the world.
Teams from Tunisia, Oman, Jordan and Turkey among other countries participated this year. They showcased a wide range of folk dances.Final day sees large turnout
of visitors
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