Tribune News NetworkDohaLiverpool’s Egyptian star Mohamed Salah is unhappy not to play at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar but said he might be in the country during the tournament later this year."I am not happy that I will not participate in the [World Cup] but it is possible that I will be present at the tournament,” Salah has said in an interview. "I am happy that it will be in an Arab country and certainly the Arab countries will support Qatar, and I hope that the Arab teams will give their best during this tournament,” he told beIN SPORTS, which will telecast the interview on Monday at 9 pm Doha time.Egypt have failed to qualify for the Qatar 2022 after the Pharaohs’ suffered a heartbreaking defeat to Senegal 1-3 on penalties in the qualifiers. Algeria, too, suffered a shock exit while Tunisia, Morocco and Saudi Arabia qualified. During the interview, Salah shared his thoughts on how Liverpool’s 2022-’23 English Premier League (EPL) season is going, why he decided to extend his contract with the club and more. Speaking on Liverpool’s slow start this EPL season, Salah mentioned: "Fulham F.C. played the game well, whilst we weren’t 100% ready for it. However, the season has just started, and we can’t make a judgement call based on the first two games alone. We’ll try to make up for it in the next games.”Commenting on his contract extension with Liverpool, Salah said: "I wanted to stay at Liverpool because I feel comfortable at the club, and in the city as well, and we reached an agreement between both parties so it was finalised.”