DOHA: The circus show 'Beyond Reality' 2024-2025continues the exciting second chapter, which started in December 2023. It will take place each year, keeping the same branded name'Beyond Reality'while introducing new acts and surprises every year.

Each act is carefully chosen, with uniquely designed costumes and captivating choreography respecting the culture and the interest of the audience and presenting for the first time in Qatar with the continued support of LANA Group International.

The talented artists, assistants and technicians have comeall the way from Russia andBelarus to bring this extraordinary performance to life.

The show’s main highlights include the mesmerizing Sea Lion act; the impressive Bear & Monkey act; extremely dangerous Arrow bow; Incredible group of 7 artist from the Nikulin State Moscow Circus with their stunning act, "Perch”, Duo Aerial Belt; Funny Clowns "Furman Brothers”; Super Dangerous Illusion Tricks; Sparkling Dress Transformation; Amazingly designed "Rola Bola”; the breathtaking Musical Dancing Fountain, of 350 nozzles with total of 40 tons of equipment specially brought from Russia, a show where music meets aquatic dance, leaving the audience with an unforgettable visual experience.

The 'Beyond Reality' 2024 – 2025 international circus show is taking place this holiday season at Al Wakrah Old Souq.

Due to its popularity, great success and high demand, the show at has been extended and will now run until January 17, 2025. The extension gives families and friends more time to enjoy this exciting outdoor entertainment.

The circus has two shows daily at 5pm and 7.30pm.

Tickets are available in four categories: