Renowned Indian poet Maqsood Anwar Maqsood, a long-time resident of Qatar, was honoured with the prestigious Aabroo-e-Jamshedpur Award at a ceremony held at Hotel NH Hill Pardih in Jamshedpur, India.
The award was presented by Odisha State Governor Raghuvar Das, recognising Maqsood’s outstanding contributions to literature and his enduring connection with the city of Jamshedpur, his hometown.
Maqsood, who has lived in Qatar for 28 years, during his brief visit to India, actively participated in various literary events, including the historic resistance Mushaira organised by SIO Jamaat-e-Islami in Delhi. He also attended several literary programmes across Aurangabad, Jamshedpur and other cities.
Maqsood’s poetry collection ‘Asmaa’N Tu Hi Bta’ has been published in Urdu and Hindi, with the Urdu version released in 2019 and the Hindi version in 2021. As the founder of the renowned literary and welfare organisation ‘Adab Saraay’, Maqsood has carved a unique niche in the literary world. Under his guidance, the organisation gained widespread appreciation for its philanthropic efforts. (TNN)