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Tribune News Network
Down Syndrome International (DSi) with its headquarters in the UK has announced HOPE Qatar Centre for Special Needs as the recipient of the World Down Syndrome Day 2019 Award in recognition of its outstanding achievements which have strengthened and enriched the lives of people with Down Syndrome.
The certificate was presented to HOPE Qatar by Vanessa dos Santos, president of Down Syndrome International, after its board selected HOPE Qatar from more than 60 nominations from around the world.
HOPE received the award in the Organization Category and share space with Aura Foundation of Spain, Ensemble Citoyens from France and Down Syndrome Association of Turkey, who also received awards in the same category.
Other categories of the award include individual category, and scientific category. Down Syndrome International has released a list of the award winners on its website just before the World Down Syndrome Day celebrated globally on March 21 this year.
The recipients are also invited to a formal presentation of the awards that will take place at the 14th World Down Syndrome Congress (WDSC) in November 2020.
HOPE Qatar has been providing help, opportunity, participation and education to differently abled children and youth in Qatar since 2005. It serves children with Down Syndrome, autism, learning difficulties and a wide range of other intellectual and physical challenges.
HOPE Qatar has also been enlisted as the official partner of Down Syndrome International to promote the World Down Syndrome Day activities in Qatar. HOPE has produced two short films to mark the occasion, highlighting the abilities of individuals with Down Syndrome, both of which have been released on Down TV which is the official channel for promoting activities related to the condition.
HOPE Qatar has also teamed up with Mission20 Foundation a Qatar based youth organization to produce a series of awareness videos related to Down Syndrome which will be released online on a daily basis from 21 March.
Dr Rajeev Thomas, founder and managing director of HOPE Qatar, said one of the greatest challenges facing individuals with disabilities in Qatar and elsewhere in the world is the lack of awareness about the condition and the true potential of these individuals.
“It is the society’s collective responsibility to provide such individuals with the opportunities to achieve their full potential, and this is the primary focus of HOPE Qatar. This award from Down Syndrome International is a recognition of our dedicated efforts to bring about the best in each child at our centre, and we are humbled by the fact that we have been noticed for our thirteen years of service to these children,” he said.
“The award rightly belongs to Dr Ciby Mathew, the former director of HOPE Qatar and the dedicated team of teachers, therapists and volunteers at HOPE who spare no effort to push the children to strive for more each day” he added.
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