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Although Qatar has been successful in controlling the spread of COVID-19, Dr Soha Al Bayat, the head of vaccination at the Ministry of Public Health, emphasised that the pandemic is still ongoing.She urged people to continue taking precautions, warning that failure to do so could have deadly repercussions for the vulnerable.“We have succeeded in controlling the pandemic, but it hasn’t yet ended, and we are not isolated from the world, where countries have gone through multiple waves of infections,” Bayat told Qatar TV on Monday.Some individuals with coronavirus may only have minor symptoms or none at all, she said but this does not guarantee that everyone will feel the same way. “You may have little symptoms or none at all, but if you spread the virus to someone who is immunocompromised, pregnant, old, or a child, those people are at danger.”Dr Bayat said she understands people’s frustration with the still-continuing precautions, but underlined that she was proud of the level of awareness among the public that put Qatar among the countries with the fewest COVID-19-related deaths. — TNN