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Qatar tribune

The Cabinet also approved -in principle- the draft decisions of the Minister of Commerce and Industry to adopt regional technical regulations as Qatari technical regulations, Qatari standard specifications, and regional standard specifications as Qatari standard specifications.

These projects aim to meet the needs of national factories, improve the quality of goods available to consumers in local markets, and keep pace with successive developments in the field of specifications and standards.

The Cabinet decided to approve -in principle- the draft decision of the Chairman of Qatar Tourism to issue the organisational structure of Qatar Tourism.

The Cabinet also decided to take the necessary measures to ratify a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of ports between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the Republic of Colombia.

The Cabinet also decided to approve a draft memorandum of understanding on cooperation and exchange of expertise in various fields of strategic development planning between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the Republic of Turkiye; a draft memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the fields of youth and sports between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the Republic of Uganda; and a draft memorandum of understanding between the Public Prosecution Office in the State of Qatar and the Public Prosecution Office in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on cooperation in the field of public prosecution work.

The Cabinet also approved a draft memorandum of understanding in the field of academic cooperation between University of Doha for Science and Technology in the State of Qatar, Qatar Airways Group in the State of Qatar, the National School of Civil Aviation in the French Republic, the Higher Institute of Aeronautics and Space ISAE - SUPAERO in the French Republic, and Airbus SAS in the French Republic; and a draft executive programme for a cooperation agreement in the field of endowments and Islamic affairs between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria.

The Cabinet concluded its meeting by reviewing four reports and taking appropriate decisions regarding them. These included the annual reports on the work of the Permanent Committee for Penal and Correctional Institutions, the reports of the Permanent Committee for Water Resources on its work until 31/12/2024 and its recommendations in this regard, a report on the results of the participation of the State of Qatar’s delegation headed by HE the Minister of Commerce and Industry in the 40th Ministerial Meeting of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC), a report on the State of Qatar obtaining full membership in the Global Privacy Assembly, and the results of hosting the Common Criteria International Conference.

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