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Qatar tribune



A new batch of Qatari licensed real estate brokers took oath before the Ministry of Justice (MoJ)’s Real Estate Brokers Affairs Committee on Thursday.

The batch included 24 brokers ranging between individuals and brokerage firms.

They took the oath following the finalisation of licensing procedures under the provisions of Law No 22 of 2007, on regulating real estate brokerage activities after they had passed the mandatory training course. Director of the Real Estate Registration Department at MoJ Amer Saeed Al Ghafri welcomed the new licensed batch of real estate brokers and wished them success in resuming their work, highlighting that the batch is a new addition to the list of licensed brokers.

He added that they constitute a superb momentum to advance the real estate sector, thereby fostering investment attractiveness and safeguarding the customers’ rights through licensed brokers who are privy to all legal requirements of real estate transactions.

He reiterated the committee’s keenness to ensure that licensed real estate brokers should be directly approached to significantly protect all rights and make sure that transactions are steadily progressing in a perfect way.

The move is part of the MoJ’s unwavering commitment to regulating the profession of broker by invoking the provisions of Law No 22 of 2017, on regulating real estate activities to serve the national economy, advance work mechanisms in the real estate market and upgrade the performance of those holding the profession of brokers from owners of offices and Qatari brokers.

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