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Tribune News Network
Qatar is working with other countries as well as Japan to de-escalate US-Iran tensions, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs HE Lulwah Rashid al Khater has said.
“We believe the Iranians are open to negotiate,” Khater told France 24 during an interview.
“We realise that every party has their own conditions. There are certain concessions need to be made from both the parties. And it’s also our collective responsibility in the region to play a role in that. At the end of the day, let’s remember we are in the region. It’s not only between Iran and the US. It’s all of us,” she said.
Khater said, “The region cannot afford any more escalation, definitely not a military escalation. Every one needs to pay close attention to that.”
When asked about the spillover of the blockade on Qatar, Khater said, “We have seen the spillover of the blockade from the very beginning since June 5, 2017. Our citizens were expelled from these (blockading) countries. From that time we have seen many situations, for example the situation involving Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, the situation in Yemen, Libya and now Sudan. All of them are spillover of the blockade.”
“We think that there’s a pattern of reckless behaviour in our region that needs to be stopped and revisited,” she said.
On efforts to resolve the GCC crisis, she said, “The Kuwaitis are mediating and we very much appreciate that position. It’s not only between Qatar and Saudi. It also involves the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt. We have welcomed the mediation. However, we have not seen any positive response from the neighbouring blockading countries.”
On migrant workers, she said, “We are very serious about preserving the rights of our guest workers. We very much appreciate all the efforts they have made for the development of our country. We have implemented many things. We are ahead of other countries in the region in that aspect. We have abolished the exit permit system. Minimum wages for workers have been implemented. Qatar will become a role model in preserving the rights of workers.”
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