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Tribune News NetworkDohaPak Shamaa School Principal Nabila Kaukab organised an orientation session on Student Empowerment (SE) and Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) for faculty members of the school. The session began with providing the attendees an overview of the value of teachers in the society. President of School Management Committee MA Shahid stressed that teachers serve a critical role in the society, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, when students were unable to attend school on a regular basis.Speaking on the occasion, the principal introduced classroom elements Content, Process, Product and Learning Environment (CPPL). The contents involved the curriculum, the information learned, and the standards and skills being taught. The process involved the activities through which students learn the content. Product is the outcome of the students which students implement in different projects. She discussed how the learning environment affects students’ attention and focus, fosters meaningful learning experiences, supports greater levels of student achievement and encourages students to develop higher-level critical thinking abilities. A brief conversation was also done with the mentors as to how with the help of on SLO long-term goals could be achieved. Different physical and online teaching strategies were discussed. In physical teaching strategies, information regarding visualisation, cooperative learning, inquiry-based instruction, differential and reciprocal teaching, and class room behavior management were given where as in online teaching strategies Gamify learning, use of graphic for pre-recorded lectures and flipped classroom strategies were instructed to use.The principal introduced treatment and enrichment plan and made it as the part of curriculum to achieve mission of the school. She guided the teachers through the treatment plan, weak areas of the students will be identified and syllabus will be divided down into different elements to improve students’ learning skills. She emphasized that the purpose of enrichment plan is to provide extended learning opportunities and challenges to students who have already mastered or quickly master the basic curriculum and give the opportunities to study concept with greater depth.Guidelines on different assessment methods were also introduced such as formative assessment, summative assessment, peer assessment and authentic assessment so that mentors could easily determine students’ interest and easily identify the students learning process.