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DPA Rio de Janeiro An indigenous man who lived in complete isolation in the Brazilian Amazon for over 25 years has died, the indigenous rights group Survival International announced on Monday. According to the Funai, Brazil's agency for the country's indigenous population, which was tasked with monitoring him, the man was found dead in a hammock. There were reportedly no signs of foul play. The indigenous man was known as "Índio Tanaru" or "Índio of the hole," as he was known to dig deep holes in which he hid and caught animals. He was believed to be the last survivor of his tribe and the only inhabitant of Tanaru territory in the state of Rondônia. He was dubbed by some as the world's loneliest person. Human rights activists believe that the other remaining members of his tribe were killed by cattle ranchers when they expanded into the region in the 1970s and 1980s. The region, near Brazil's border with Bolivia, is often referred to as Brazil's Wild West, as land conflicts are often settled violently. According to Fiona Watson of Survival International, the man "symbolized both the appalling violence and cruelty inflicted on indigenous peoples in the name of colonization and economic benefit, and their resistance," according to a statement.

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