Satyendra Pathak
Qatar will be introducing a mandatory ‘rules-based’ framework for Investor Relations (IR) with effect from October 1 this year, Qatar Stock Exchange (QSE) CEO Rashid bin Ali al Mansoori said on Sunday.
Speaking at the 10th Annual Investor Relations Conference in Doha, Mansoori said, "The rules reflect best-practice and should in any case be standard for listed companies in today’s regulatory capital markets’ environment. We thank the Qatar Financial Markets Authority for supporting this effort.”
Highlighting the importance of investor relations in light of the growing changes in the world market, he said, "Since transparency and effective IR communications are the hallmark of a successful capital market, the development of IR practices will definitely enhance the sustainability of listed companies.
"As QSE is Qatar’s national stock exchange, we seek to support the sustainability of our listed companies in the years and decades ahead, especially in light of the current geopolitical instability in the region.”
Mansoori said, "We are actively working on promoting sound IR practices among our listed companies in order to maintain investor confidence and enhance their investment attractiveness.
"Last week we held a workshop aimed at enabling participants to earn an internationally recognised IR certification. We also have QSE IR Excellence Programme aimed at rewarding companies and individuals demonstrating the highest investor relations standards in the country on an annual basis.”
The conference witnesses participation of a wide range of representatives from leading listed companies, market participants, regulatory bodies and investors.
Speaking on the occasion, QSE Listings Director Abdul Aziz al Emadi said, "IR Annual Conference, the Excellence Programme, and frequent training programmes reflect QSE’s desire to achieve best international practice among our listed companies for a transparent investment environment.
"The issuance of the IR Rules to be effective from October 1 is a testament to the exchange’s commitment towards achieving quality investor relations to improve market accessibility and support the development of capital markets.”
The event targeted all Qatari listed companies and featured a wide range of presentations and panel discussions on a series of significant topics covering best of global IR practices.