indian express
Soon after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Pakistan PM Imran Khan finished their speeches at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), protests broke out in several parts of Srinagar, prompting authorities to re-impose restrictions. On Saturday afternoon a grenade was lobbed at CRPF personnel in downtown Srinagar, but it missed the target. The CRPF issued a release on the attack, making it possibly the first militant strike acknowledged by the forces since the August 5 scrapping of Jammu & Kashmir’s special status.
Police and paramilitary forces back in strength on Srinagar streets, and concertina wires and metallic barricades blocking major roads. A police vehicle did the rounds announcing re-imposition of restrictions on civilian movement and ordering people to stay indoors. Police and paramilitary also blocked the roads leading to the clock tower in city centre Lal Chowk.
Police sources said the restrictions were re-imposed as a precautionary measure, after Khan said in his UNGA speech that there would be violence consequent to India’s actions in Kashmir. Soon after he had finished his speech, in which he also sought international intervention in Kashmir, people took to the streets in parts of Srinagar such as Nishat, Shalimar and Harwan.