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A South African delegation arrived in Lesotho on Sunday after the prime minister of the smaller nation deployed, and then withdrew, the army.
A delegation headed by South Africa’s former energy minister Jeff Radebe met Prime Minister Thomas Thabane, then members of the opposition and civil society. South Africa surrounds Lesotho, and is its largest trading partner.
“South Africa is our neighbour so they are concerned about us,” said government spokesman Chief Thesele Maseribane.
A day earlier, armoured vehicles drove through the capital Maseru after Thabane announced he had deployed the army to “deal with rogue individuals.” Without any official announcement, the army withdrew hours later.
Their deployment came after Thabane lost a court bid to remove the chief of police.
It was apparently the latest twist in a murder drama that has ensnared Thabane and gripped the country.
Thabane is being investigated in connection with the murder of his first wife, Lipolelo Thabane, in 2017. Thabane appeared in court last month, but was not charged.
Thabane’s second wife, Maesaiah Thabane, has been charged with the murder and is currently out on bail.
Last month, Thabane also attempted to prorogue parliament, suspending the sitting without properly dissolving it.
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