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Stable patients of cardiovascular diseases can fast during the Holy Month of Ramadan, Hamad Medical Corporation’s Heart Hospital senior consultant has said.
Speaking to Qatar Tribune, senior consultant cardiologist Dr Omar al Tamimi said stable patients mean those who have no recurrent symptoms of the disease such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations or anything similar.
He said, “Stable patients are also those who have not been having multiple frequent changes to their medication in terms of replacing one with another or increase of dosage; not have had recent mild or serious disease that warrants them to be at the hospital. Those with stable conditions who maintain the same frequency of medication and amount should be able to fast.”
He said patients who need to be admitted at the hospital and require intensive monitoring, and are given the treatment through the intravenous, should not fast.
According to him, heart patients wishing to fast should also have to consider other problems they might be having because most of the heart patients have other issues such as diabetes.
People living with heart conditions should adhere to their medications. “Most of the cardiac medications are given once or twice a day. They can either take their medication after breaking their fast or at suhour time. If it’s twice a day, they can take it at the time of their meals which is either at iftar and suhour.”
He advised those on blood pressure medication, especially the ones that make the patient to pass urine frequently, to take their medication at iftar time to avoid dehydration during the fasting time.
Dr Tamimi urged heart patients to eat a healthy and balanced diet and keep themselves well hydrated.
“Patients who have heart failure and who are not supposed to drink a lot of water should be more cautious. They should make up for the deficiency of water throughout the fasting time,” he said,
On a different note, Dr Tamimi also advised people with cardiovascular diseases to take precautionary measures to protect themselves against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
He said, “People with cardiovascular disease have chances of catching the COVID-19 just like any other people. The difference is that the symptoms of those with cardiovascular disease are going to be much more severe.”
According to some reports, coronavirus attacks people with comorbidities like heart disease, and kidney and chest problems.
He urged heart patients to observe social distancing, frequent washing of hands, wearing masks and avoiding contacts with people, especially those who have symptoms.
“It is important for those patients to pay a lot of attention to their medication because they need to keep their condition on check. In the month of Ramadan, there may be changes because of the times of eating and fasting but this should not be an excuse,” he said.
In case they need to consult their doctor, they can call the hotline 16000. If it is during their appointment time, a doctor will call them.
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