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Tribune News Network
DPS-MIS faculty members attended a webinar on the topic ‘Emotional Intelligence-Integral Part of Curriculum in the New Normal’ organised by Macmillan Education on recenly.
Guest speaker and educator Jyotsna Bharadwaj, founding director of Envision India Edu-services, enlightened the participants on how to enhance students’ emotional intelligence (EQ), particularly during this coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
She highlighted the key issues and concerns of students about developing identity, communicating and connecting, building relationships, peer group acceptance, managing emotions, among others.
“The way a child identifies, understands and manages emotions can have an impact on everything from his or her relationships with classmates to performance in the classroom. Hence, to help a child succeed both in class and beyond the classroom, an active involvement of the teachers is needed,” she said.
She added, “Besides enhancing a child’s IQ, we also need to equip him/her with ‘EQ’ which teaches life skills, such as building a positive mental strength, adaptability, cognitive flexibility and resilience. Helping children to recognise their own feelings, strengths, weaknesses, desires and dislikes, managing emotions and stress effectively, developing empathy for others, boost self- motivation, communicate effectively, develop relations, think creatively, solve problems and make decisions are the building blocks for developing EQ.
“Besides these, we can add on the ‘Stroke Theory’ which includes ‘Verbal and Non-verbal positive strokes,’ because words of appreciation, a thumbs up signal, a warm hug, a smile and a kind look have a deep impact on the child’s emotional and mental well-being.”
The session was lively and engaging as the participants gained immensely from the information shared and look forward to putting it in the right use in the classroom and beyond.
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