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As many as 67 worksites have been shut for three days for violating the Ministerial Decision No 16 of 2007, regarding ban on midday outdoor works during summer. Most of the violating companies work in the contracting sector in different areas of the country.
The violations were detected during field visits carried out by the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs, represented by Labor Inspection Department, between July 16 and August 13.
The inspectors carried out a number of intensive inspection campaigns during the past days, with the aim of ensuring compliance of companies with Ministerial Decision No 16 of 2007 determining working hours in outdoor workplaces during the summer.
The Ministerial Decision No 16 of 2007 bans work between 11:30 AM and 3 PM during the period from June 15 to August 31 every year.
The decision obliges companies and institutions that have workplaces under direct sunlight to set a schedule specifying the daily working hours in accordance with the provisions of the decision. The schedule must be displayed in a visible place that is easy for all workers to see and for the ministry inspectors to observe during their inspection visits.
The companies are required to provide air-conditioned spaces for the workers’ comfort, chilled drinking water and light clothing, and giving them rest periods at different times in order to protect them from the risk of thermal stress.
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