DPAMoscowThe Kremlin is not planning to introduce general mobilisation in Russia for its war effort in Ukraine, despite demands for action amid a counter offensive by Ukraine.“Not at the moment, there is no talk of that,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said in response to a question from journalists, according to Interfax news agency.After Russia withdrew its troops from Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine last weekend, there have been demands for consequences, including partial or full mobilisation.“In my opinion, the special operation in Ukraine and the Donbass has turned into a war over the past two months,” said Gennady Zyuganov, the Communist Party leader. “This war has been declared on us by the Americans, united Europe and NATO.” “Every war requires a response. Above all, it requires maximum mobilisation of forces and resources,” he said.His comments came after a member of the Kremlin’s United Russia party, Duma deputy Mikhail Sheremet, also recently warned that Moscow’s goals in Ukraine would not be achieved without mobilization.Meanwhile there were renewed electricity outages in the north-eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv and surrounding areas, where Kiev’s forces are rapidly pushing back Russian troops.The governor of Kharkiv province, Oleh Synyehubov, said on Telegram that “the enemy shelled Losova at around three o’clock in the morning and there was a direct hit in an educational institution.” He shared images showing the complete destruction of a school building in the small town around 150 kilometres south of Kharkiv city.
Kremlin says no plan of general mobilisation
- 14/09/2022
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