Prime Minister and Minister of Interior HE Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz Al Thani has directed all governmental bodies to complete all the strategic projects before the end of 2022.
The PM said the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs (MADLSA) will support the bodies technically in implementing the projects.
Chairing the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, the PM said the strategic plans of governmental bodies should include the following:
? A project for the description, classification and arrangement of job positions for each entity
? A project for documenting work procedures in each entity
? A project for preparing job curriculum for each entity.
The Cabinet also affirmed the continuation of precautionary measures taken to combat the coronavirus pandemic after it listened to the explanation provided by HE Minister of Public Health on the latest developments to contain the disease.
Then HE Minister of Public Health presented the ministry’s strategic plan before the Cabinet.
The minister said the main goal of the ministry’s strategy is to improve the health of people living in Qatar, meet the needs of the current and future generations through a comprehensive healthcare system that leads to better health, care, and value for everyone.
The ministry’s intermediate goals are:
Healthy children and teenagers
? Enhancing and expanding protection to improve oral and dental health for children
? Accrediting Child-friendly hospital from the World Health Organization and UNICEF
? Improving all epidemiologic data and monitoring health indicators
? Establish a national health framework for school health
? Placing a comprehensive national model for providing Pediatrics’ services.
Healthy women for a healthy pregnancy
? Improving all epidemiologic data and monitoring health indicators, including death rates of mothers and the main diseases leading to it
? Design and implement a model for maternity care services
? Design and implement an effective governance mechanism for artificial insemination
? Implementing Midwifery services
? Limiting the number of cesarean births and the health complications they lead to
Healthy and safe workers:
• Establish an information and data management system for occupational injuries, evaluate the health conditions of all workers, and perform occupational health services
• Place and implement a national policy for vocational health and safety in all sectors
• Establish effective programs for health at the work place, that seek to enhance physical and mental health while limiting workplace hazards
• Improving the knowledge management methodology, and following the best practice in the field of occupational health for clinical workforce
• Placing a plan to provide healthcare services that meet the special demands of labor and artisanal workers
Mental health and wellness
• Improve epidemiologic data on mental health
• Raise public awareness on mental health and reduce stigma associated with mental illness
• Provide integrated mental health services
• Strengthen mental health services provided to inpatients.
• Develop new services that meet the needs of prison inmates suffering from psychological conditions
• Application of Mental Health Law.
Improved health for people suffering from multiple chronic diseases
• Understand the epidemiology of multiple chronic conditions and create a record of them
• Empower people with multiple chronic conditions with the knowledge and skills to help them care for themselves
• Promote continuity and coordination of care
• Apply clinical guidelines that help standardize high-quality healthcare
• Identify and treat factors that lead to hospital readmission for people with multiple chronic conditions
Enhanced health and well-being for people with disabilities and special needs
• Promote data collection of internationally comparable persons with disabilities
• Remove barriers and improve access to health services and programmes
• Strengthen and expand rehabilitation services, assistive technology, support services and community rehabilitation
Healthy aging
• Conduct surveys to understand diseases affecting the elderly population
• Promote health awareness
• Provide services and programmes that promote active healthy aging and improve mobility of the elderly
• Provide integrated health care for the elderly through the health system, including community services and long-term care
• Develop coordinated and integrated home care services at the national level
• Monitor and meet the needs of people with cognitive disabilities
An integrated system to provide high quality health care and services
• Establish primary care services as the gateway to the first and continuous entry into the health system to adequately meet most healthcare needs by adopting a family medicine model
• Establish and strengthen integrated care programs at all levels of the health system
• Efficiency and effectiveness of the health system through providing integrated care
• A high-value integrated care system in line with the principles of responsible care
Enhanced health and prevention of diseases
• Collect data by conducting national and international surveys in priority health areas
• Health awareness and education programs for priority health areas
Enhanced health protection
• Implementing the national emergency preparedness and response plan and developing a comprehensive methodology for its management and speed of response
• Strengthening the combat against transmissible diseases in order to protect health
• Implementing a national action plan to combat antimicrobial resistance
• Improving the monitoring and regulation of environmental health risks
• Promoting and coordinating policies and legislation of food safety
• Developing a national drug security system.
Integrated health in all policies
• Awareness of the healthy cities approach in the State of Qatar and its implementation based on the standards and requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO)
• Establishing a policy and developing the necessary skills to carry out inter-sector health impact assessment based on needs
• Promoting and implementing health in all policies as a common approach between state sectors in areas of priority
• Creating, strengthening and implementing strong legal frameworks to protect, promote and support healthy nutrition
Effective system of governance and leadership
• Enhancing quality of care and patient safety
• Strengthening the health workforce planning, education, training and licensing system, as well as designing and implementing recruitment and retention programmes
• Promoting and supporting the private sector to invest in the provision of healthcare services
• Establishing a national knowledge platform supported by a national data storage infrastructure, managed by the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), with the aim of enhancing data accuracy and exchange
• Establishing a proactive mechanism to improve active information system, and adopting new digital health solutions to improve health outcomes and service provision
• Strengthening framework to support the provision of high-quality health services.
The Cabinet the approved the draft decision of the board of directors of the Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities (RACA) to establish sections in the administrative units that the Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities consists of and to define their functions.
The Cabinet then reviewed the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to amend some provisions of Law no.1 of 1980, regarding the regulation of foreign missions’ ownership of real estate in Qatar, and took the appropriate decision in this regard.
The Cabinet also reviewed the proposal of the Ministry of Municipality and Environment to amend some provisions of Resolution no.15 of 2011, on establishing a Climate Change and Clean Development Committee and its terms of reference, and took the appropriate decision in its regard.