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Bangkok: Thailand confirmed on Thursday it had returned three Iranians jailed over a 2012 bomb plot in Bangkok, in an announcement that came after Tehran freed an Australian-British lecturer imprisoned for alleged spying.
The kingdom’s corrections department said two of the men -- Masoud Sedaghatzadeh and Saeid Moradi -- were transferred as prisoners while the third, Mohammad Khazaei, was granted a royal pardon in August.
Thai officials have not explicitly linked the transfer with the release of Middle East scholar Kylie Moore-Gilbert, who returned to Australia after two years in detention in Iran on espionage charges. But Iranian state TV said on Wednesday that Moore-Gilbert was swapped for three Iranians.
The trio freed by Thailand had all been jailed over a botched bomb plot that Israel linked to a spate of attacks on its diplomats around the world. (afp)
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