
Ambassador HE Jassim bin Yousef Al Jamal has paved the way for the working mechanism of the Permanent Representative of the State to the United Nations (UN), as he is the first Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the UN.

Al Jamal was appointed after Qatar’s independence on Sep. 3, 1971. His period witnessed distinction and coherence in the visions and positions of the Arab group in the international organization, especially in terms of defending the central and just cause of the Arabs, the Palestinian cause, to which the State of Qatar has given the utmost attention and care, continuing to defend it vigorously in all forums and conferences at its various levels and names.

Al Jamal was appointed as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Qatar to the UN by Amiri Decree with a group of new Qatari ambassadors, who were working in a number of ministries and were distributed in a number of Arab countries. At the time, His Excellency was a senior employee of the Ministry of Education.

He held this high position for 12 years, starting from 1972, shortly after the independence of Qatar, and presented his credentials to the then UN Secretary-General Dr. Kurt Waldheim - Austria - the fourth Secretary-General of the international organization.

In an interview with Qatar News Agency (QNA), Al Jamal gave an overview of Qatari diplomacy in the immediate post-independence period, and the most prominent events over the past 50 years since the state’s participation as a member of the UN.

He stressed that despite its recent independence at the time, Qatar played a strong and active role in the UN, emphasizing its positive contributions. Its permanent delegation was in complete harmony with the Arab group, and a strong supporter of its positions defending the issues and rights of the nation, he said, stressing that Qatar has so far continued this successful and distinguished role, which made it an active and influential element on the global diplomatic scene, playing a vital and remarkable role in defending the issues of its nation and people, and actively contributing to issues of international peace and security.

He said that four young Qataris worked with him at the Permanent Mission of Qatar to the United Nations in New York. All were fully prepared to serve their country, learn and benefit. They dealt in groups, which necessitated them to be aware of all the events and developments that are taking place, and the permanent coordination between Qatar and the Arab countries.

Al Jamal recalled some of the wonderful and honorable positions that confirm the complete harmony between the Arab group in the corridors of the international organisation; for instance, when the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) submitted to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) a draft resolution condemning Zionism as a racist movement, which angered the West and the US, at a time when Zionism enjoyed great power and influence in the international organization.

Former Consultant to Kuwaiti Mission at UN, Fayez Al Sayegh, explained the draft resolution to UNGA members and when it was put to vote, it received 72 votes. It was supported by important Latin American countries such as Mexico and Argentina. This strong and harmonious position of the Arab group was a strong blow to Israel and its supporters, and echoed strongly in the corridors of the international organization, Europe, the US, and within Israel itself, HE added.

This strong Arab position at the UN demonstrates the Arab group’s standing against the policies of racial discrimination and its support for issues of liberation, he said.

In a related context, he praised the positions of Islamic countries in support of Arab issues, especially the Palestinian cause, which Qatar has supported with all its powers on all occasions, pointing out that the records of the UN bear witness to these honorable and great Qatari positions.

When asked about his view on Qatar hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup, Al Jamal said Qatar will increase its status and importance by hosting this important global sporting event for the first time in the history of the Middle East.

He added that attention is now turning towards Qatar, pointing out that it will prove to the world its ability to host such major sports tournaments with efficiency and distinction from previous tournaments. He expressed his confidence that all the brotherly Arab countries will stand by Qatar and support it in the success of this international sporting event.

Regarding his opinion on the UN’s attempt to bring reforms within the UN Security Council, he noted that third-world countries have always called for the expansion of the Security Council, but he cautioned that achieving this goal requires changing the Charter of the United Nations. The chances of this happening currently are "almost impossible” because the great powers have the right of veto, and therefore will not allow that, as they always consider their interests above all else, he explained.

Five of the 15 members of the Security Council have permanent membership and the right to veto. Therefore, it will not be allowed to give other countries any rights, or to add other countries to the council so that its membership becomes 20. At a time when the number of member states of the international organization became 194 countries, the council needs to be expanded, HE added.

Qatar became a member of the UN in 1971. On Sep. 22 of this year, the flag of the State of Qatar was raised at the UN headquarters in New York. This is a starting point for Qatar’s foreign policy in the field of multilateral relations, based on the vision and history of the country’s first founders, which is full of commitment to the Islamic, Arab and human values and belief in cooperation and the common destiny of all human beings.