Tribune News Network
Mall of Qatar (MoQ) launched its winter campaign to educate children and adults on the importance of the environment and the impact of global warming on our lives and the arctic animals alike.
The campaign comes under MoQ’s social and environmental responsibility programmes that aim to raise awareness of the community and encourage them to take positive actions towards our environment.
The campaign targets children and families and aims to educate them on important topics, including the environment and saving wildlife. The oasis area in the mall was decorated with a landscape that simulates the arctic’s wildlife, where snow and animals such as polar bears, penguins, dolphins and squirrels are displayed. Visitors can scan the barcode next to each installation to access extensive English and Arabic information to know more about the risks and challenges and the impact of global warming on life on the plant.
Preserving the environment is at the core business of MoQ. Through campaign, the mall reaffirms its vital role in educating the new generations on essential topics and raising awareness of critical cases, maintaining its position as a destination for edutainment in a safe environment.
Emile Sarkis, general manager of MoQ, said: "Mall of Qatar has a wide corporate social responsibility agenda and programmes which shed the light on several important causes and topics of positive impact on kids and parents. Recently we organised the school art competition, and the Flag Museum on the National Day, and now the ‘Winter Village’ concept which aims to increase awareness of the environment and global warming that are important factors in our lives. We are delighted to shed light on such issues creatively and engagingly, which help children and adults increase their knowledge and encourage them to take actions.”
Besides, MoQ launched a social media contest requesting visitors to share their photos of the campaign, with the best photos to win Mall of Qatar Gift cards at the end of the campaign.
Due to the high turnout of visitors, the winter village at MoQ has been extended until February 20. It is an ideal platform, especially for children, to know more about one of the most important and critical topics threatening our planet and wildlife. Through such initiatives, the ‘Nation’s Mall’ play an important role in engaging, enabling new generations of environmental advocates who will be the leaders of our future.