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Tribune News Network
Experts from Sidra Medicine have advised parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) on the importance of positive parenting, early intervention and maintaining routines.
ASD is characterised by difficulties in social interaction and communication and by repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. It is amongst the most frequent and severe developmental disorders.
Sidra Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry features Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Developmental Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine services for the diagnosis, care and treatment of children and young people with ASD including other mental health support.
Prof Muhammed Waqar Azeem, inaugural chair of the Department of Psychiatry at Sidra Medicine, said: “Our team is committed to providing children and their families with quality mental health services and resources. This is particularly the case for children with ASD, to ensure that our support makes them feel safe, a part of society and respected.”
World Autism Awareness Day was first proposed in 2007 at the United Nations (UN) by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, chairperson of Qatar Foundation and Sidra Medicine. It was adopted by the UN in 2008 as a world observance and is annually marked on April 2. Dr Fatima Janjua, division chief of Developmental Paediatrics at Sidra Medicine, said: “This past year has been a challenging time for parents the world over, and even more so for parents of children with ASD. The pandemic has disrupted their children’s routines and had taken away their sense of stability to their schedules.
“However, one year on, I must applaud parents who have overcome these challenges and worked in partnership with their children. One of the biggest strengths to have come out of these relationships is the impact of positive parenting.”
Positive parenting strategies for families with children with ASD allow the child to feel secure and loved, which in turn helps in their development. The process also helps the families to handle the challenges together and not feel overwhelmed, especially when tasks and routines become a shared responsibility.”
Dr Madeeha Kamal, senior attending physician, Adolescent Medicine at Sidra Medicine, said: “It was very promising to see how many families which children with ASD thrived in developing strong bonds during the pandemic. It was an opportunity for many parents, who while being at home, spent time talking to their children and helping them develop their speaking and interactive skills.”
The Sidra Medicine experts advised parents who notice signs of ASD in their children to seek assessment from their healthcare centrer Early signs of ASD in babies or toddlers can include lack of awareness of their surroundings; lack of eye contact or making very little eye contact; doesn’t respond to a parent’s reaction or facial expressions; doesn’t point to objects or respond to events when pointed out by the parent.
Dr Janjua said, “In Qatar, the first step for a parent who is concerned that their child is showing signs of ASD would be to go to their local primary health care clinic, where the paediatricians have a screening questionnaire. If the questionnaire, shows any indication that the child might have ASD, they can make a referral to see the specialists either at Sidra Medicine or Hamad Medical Corporation.”
Dr Madeeha said, “Early identification and intervention are very important and parents play a critical role in identifying the key signs even before an official diagnoses is made.”
For parents with children with ASD, keeping a routine is extremely important.
Dr Janjua advises the use of a visual schedule which allows the children to see what their routine will be like.
Children with ASD behave in challenging ways because many of them have difficulty communicating their wants and needs, which can lead to frustration. This results in the child becoming highly anxious and stressed. Many children’s behaviours are triggered by disruptions to their routines; sensory sensitivities or overload; tiredness or if they have other conditions such as epilepsy and ADHD.
Dr Madeeha Kamal said, “To change their child’s behaviour, parents need to understand what is triggering or causing it. This helps both the child and the parent in how to manage the triggers.”
Najla Fathy, whose seven-year-old son Fares is a patient with the Adolescent Medicine clinic at Sidra Medicine, said: “When we first came to Sidra Medicine late last year, it was a very difficult and challenging time for us as a family in dealing with our son’s ASD. We had reached a stage where we just couldn’t manage his behaviour and how disruptive he was.
“Within five months of being a patient at Sidra Medicine and thanks to a wonderful and caring team of experts, we have seen a dramatic transformation in Fares. We can’t believe it is the same boy! He went from being aggressive and hyperactive to a child who communicates and listens and is so much calmer. We are so grateful to Sidra Medicine and particularly to Dr.Madeeha Kamal, whose exemplary care in dealing with our son and us as his parents, is life-changing.”
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