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Tribune News Network
DPS-Modern Indian School (DPS-MIS) debaters Azhar Jaleel Muhammed, Jaefar Shameem and Aryan Dubey challenged national debate team of Slovenia Aniket Godbole, Masa Cvetezar and Ziva Hrovatin to a friendly online debate recently.
The motion for the debate was ‘This House Regrets the commercialisation of space’. It was a motion from the upcoming World School Debating Championship.
The debate was judged by Directors of DPS–Modern Indian School Debate Club.
Victoria Honoridez was the chair judge supported by Gauri Gupta, Sparsh Chaudhary and Priyal Dhade.
National coach Bojana Skrt provided valuable feedback at the end of the debate and congratulated the host team for their impressive performance, stressing that the mutual learning platform helped both the teams sharpen their skills.
All debate club members as observers enjoyed the debate thoroughly. The whole debate was anchored and organised by the members of the DPS-MIS debate club under guidance of their teacher-in-charge Jaya Majumder.
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