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Tribune News Network
Serial entrepreneur and best known for being the co-founder and first CEO of Netflix, Marc Randolph will be sharing lessons from his journey – at what is now the world’s largest streaming service – with audiences in the upcoming edition of Qatar Foundation’s Education City Speaker Series. The discussion will be held virtually on August 23, from 5pm to 6pm. Registration link for the event is www.qf.org.qa/ecss.
Titled ‘Don’t Let Dreams Be Dreams: What to Do with an Idea’, and themed around innovation and entrepreneurship – coupled with sustainability – Randolph’s talk will focus on the start-up culture and how to foster entrepreneurial mindsets, as well as how to start building innovative businesses that are socially and environmentally conscious.
Randolph’s talk comes at a time as Qatar’s start-up ecosystem is seeing a healthy growth, with the country being ahead in the region in terms of ease of starting and developing a business as per the 2019-2020 National Entrepreneurship Context Index created by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.
QF’s Qatar Science & Technology Park is home to a host of programmes that aim to support the start-up culture and ecosystem in Qatar, including the Arab Innovation Academy, XLR8, and Stars of Science, thereby improving the country’s private sector, and helping transform start-ups into small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that contribute to the country’s economy.
Through such efforts, QF’s mission is to provide the infrastructure, talent and policies across the research and innovation spectrum to help investors, established companies and entrepreneurs succeed. In doing this, QF is working toward becoming the destination of choice for innovators locally, regionally and internationally – and this edition of the Education City Speaker Series seeks to align with that mission.
The Education City Speaker Series edition with Marc Randolph will be a 45-minute discussion, and will be followed by an opportunity for the online audience to put their questions to Randolph. It will be available to view on Microsoft Teams with English, Arabic, French, Spanish, and Italian subtitles, and also on QF’s Facebook and YouTube channels.
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