ExxonMobil has announced the appointment of Ana Laplaza as research director for ExxonMobil Research Qatar (EMRQ), succeeding Dr Mohamed Al Sulaiti, who recently retired.
Prior to this appointment, Laplaza served for several years as head of Process Engineering, seconded to Qatargas Operating Company Limited.
She has been with ExxonMobil for 26 years, beginning her career with the company in 1995 at the ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company in Houston, Texas, and gaining expertise in loss prevention, process engineering and flow assurance.
She has worked at ExxonMobil’s LaBarge gas plant in Wyoming, USA, the site of the world’s largest operating carbon capture and storage facility, and later had positions providing leading technical expertise to ExxonMobil’s upstream business worldwide in the areas of flow assurance and process engineering.
"We are delighted to announce Ana Laplaza’s appointment as ExxonMobil Research Qatar’s new Research Director,” said Dominic Genetti, president and general manager for ExxonMobil Qatar Limited. "Ana brings with her a wealth of experience in the oil and gas industry, both in the field and in production management. We’re looking forward to seeing our research centre reach even greater heights under her leadership as we continue to support the objectives of the Qatar National Vision 2030.”
"I am grateful for this incredible opportunity to lead EMRQ and join a team of skilled and dedicated researchers and scientists,” said Laplaza. "It is an honour to have been asked to contribute to this fantastic establishment that underlines ExxonMobil’s commitment to ground-breaking collaborative research and technology that will help find solutions for challenges in areas of strategic interest to Qatar and ExxonMobil.”
Laplaza holds a Masters in Chemical Engineering (1995) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
EMRQ was established in 2009 to help fulfil the objectives of Qatar National Vision 2030. The centre is located at Qatar Science and Technology Park and is one of its first anchor tenants.
Scientists and researchers at EMRQ – some of whom are Qatari nationals – have been advancing key research in many areas. This work includes environmental, including carbon, management, water reuse, LNG safety and modern geology with the Ministry of Municipality and Environment, Qatar University, Qatar Petroleum, Qatargas and others. Their efforts helped earn EMRQ the Qatar Petroleum HSE Excellence and Innovation Award.
EMRQ has successfully developed new concepts and projects that have benefited the energy sector in Qatar and around the world, while safeguarding the country’s unique environment and marine life.