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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


More than 500 shops in over seven streets in Al Rayyan Municipality have been ordered to change their signboards as part of a campaign to reduce visual clutter and to ensure that signs at commercial buildings comply with the municipal construction codes.

The signboards are being reinstalled in commercial buildings at Othman Bin Affan Street, Al Shafi Street, Muaither Commercial, Umm Al Dom, Al Ruwaidat, Al Tawbah and Al Canary Street, said Jaber Hassan Al Jaber, Director of Al Rayyan Municipality.

He explained that the role of municipalities in the initiative to organize shop boards is an organizational role to contribute positively to improving the quality of life in the city and the prosperity of commercial urban areas.

He added that the organizational process of the signboards contributes to supporting a distinctive Qatari identity in harmony with the urban character adopted in the comprehensive urban plan of the State of Qatar, and it also addresses the existing negative phenomena and contributes to the upgrading and improvement of services in order to achieve the Qatar National Vision.

Jaber Al-Jaber added that the regulation of billboards contributes to reducing the negative effects of some advertisements that distort the general landscape, including: exceeding some signs of the permissible height, their negative impact on the architectural design, the deterioration of the billboards or the damage of some parts.

The director of Al Rayyan Municipality stressed that organizing signboards does not mean unifying them in terms of form and specifications as some imagine, but there are different designs for advertising banners that depend on the urban patterns approved for commercial buildings in accordance with the comprehensive urban plan. What is required is the harmony and consistency of the style, colour and dimensions of a single commercial street according to its location and design, and it is not intended to uniformly generalize to all commercial buildings of different designs.

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