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Tribune News Network
Work continues on a project in Syria’s Afrin to rehabilitate the irrigation system and pumping station. Implemented by Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS), through its representation office in Turkey, the project is funded by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ (OCHA) Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund (SCHF).
The project aims to secure a sustainable source of livelihood for farmers living in northwestern Syria by rehabilitating irrigation canals, which are a primary source for irrigating agricultural lands and crops, in addition to employing the local and displaced communities in the rehabilitation works.
So far, insulation works have been completed for 50 kilometres, out of the total 63 kilometres of irrigation channels. The pumping station has been completely rehabilitated, including repairs for engines and pumps. Also, an electricity supply system was installed to operate the station.
Work will go on to complete all the remaining activities, which include rehabilitating the pumping facility, repairing underground irrigation pipelines, installing water meters for farmers, and training the municipal councils to operate pumps and provide water to farmers during irrigation seasons.
At the conclusion of the project, a supplementary irrigation will be provided for the wheat crops in northern Syria, in order to resist the dry season and current climate changes.
SCHF is a multi-donor Country Based Pooled Fund (CBPF) established in 2014 following UN Security Resolutions 2139 and 2165 to enable humanitarian partners, particularly Syrian organizations, to expand and support the delivery of humanitarian assistance across border and conflict lines.
Being OCHA’s Turkey Humanitarian Financing Unit (HFU), the Fund is guided by the Syria Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP).
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