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Tribune News Network
The inaugural edition of ‘MESIS Pulse’, the new newsletter of MES Indian School, was launched at the school’s Abu Hamour branch.
Chief guest K. Abdul Karim, President of MESIS, launched the first edition in the presence of A P Khalil, vice president, MESIS; MES School Principal Hameeda Kadar; Dr. Mohamed Haneef, principal, MESIS; Rashmi Jain, school mentor, MESIS; and Ashokan K, academic supervisor, MESIS.
After the soft launch of ‘MESIS Pulse’, student editor Fathima Mayaza of Grade VIII A delivered the welcome address.
Hameeda Kadar, in her address, pointed out the importance of being updated with linguistic changes and trends.
K Abdul Karim delivered an inspiring speech encouraging students to sustain the rhythm of the campus reflected in ‘MESIS Pulse’ as the name of the newsletter implies.
Dr. Mohammed Haneef, principal of MES Indian School, Abu Hamour branch, hosted the event. He affirmed that ‘MESIS Pulse’ would be published every month and expressed confidence that the coming editions will be showcasing the great potential of students.
He urged the students to utilise this opportunity to the utmost and appreciated them as well as their parents for their promising response.
Laiba Nadeem of Grade VI-B expressed the vote of thanks. After the inaugural ceremony, the unveiling of hard copy was done by the chief guest. According to him, the new initiative will open up endless opportunities for the upcoming generations.
The school newsletter is an opportunity for fostering creative skills of the students. The staff editors in charge of the newsletter were Shajeera Nivas and Rabiya Nisreen.
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