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As many as 942 job seekers got recruitment in various government, joint and private sector agencies in the country through the national employment platform “Kawader” during the end of the last quarter of 2021 and March 2022, according data issued by the Civil Service and Government Development Bureau.
Of the recruits, 62 percent were females and 38 percent males.
As per the data, the Primary Health Care Corporation (PHHC) achieved the first place as the most employing agency for job seekers through Kawader, while Hamad Medical Corporation came in the second place, and the General Authority of Customs in third place.
The bulletin indicated that there are 3,172 current job opportunities on the national employment platform ‘Kawader’. The available job opportunities, according to the statistics, range from holders of graduate studies to those with no high school degree.
The bulletin noted that the three most prominent providers of job opportunities on the platform are the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Supreme Judiciary Council, and the Primary Health Care Corporation.
As many as 942 job seekers got recruitment in various government, joint and private sector agencies in the country through the national employment platform “Kawader” during the end of the last quarter of 2021 and March 2022, according data issued by the Civil Service and Government Development Bureau.
Of the recruits, 62 percent were females and 38 percent males.
As per the data, the Primary Health Care Corporation (PHHC) achieved the first place as the most employing agency for job seekers through Kawader, while Hamad Medical Corporation came in the second place, and the General Authority of Customs in third place.
The bulletin indicated that there are 3,172 current job opportunities on the national employment platform ‘Kawader’. The available job opportunities, according to the statistics, range from holders of graduate studies to those with no high school degree.
The bulletin noted that the three most prominent providers of job opportunities on the platform are the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Supreme Judiciary Council, and the Primary Health Care Corporation.