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Minister of Environment and Climate Change HE Sheikh Dr Faleh bin Nasser bin Ahmed bin Ali Al Thani on Monday received high-resolution maps of Qatar’s beaches during his visit to the ExxonMobil Research Qatar (EMRQ) Center at Qatar Science and Technology Park.
During the visit, the minister listened to an explanation about the most important activities of the centre and reviewed with officials the prospects for cooperation in various fields of common interest.
Between 2016 and 2020, EMRQ developed the map covering 4,500 square kilometres of the coastal area of Qatar, using new geospatial algorithms and techniques, such as remote sensing and light and range detection (LiDAR). The final map shows the abundance and diversity of coastal habitats, including seagrass, mangroves and coral reefs.
The main results obtained also showed that the benthic areas near the beaches in Qatar are covered by 55 percent sand, 14 percent by scattered seaweed, 14 percent by macroalgae, 13 percent by dense seaweed and two percent by Coral reefs.
Benthic coastal mapping helps decision makers understand the natural environment around them and analyse changes on an ongoing basis. These maps play a key role in making ecosystem-based management decisions related to fishing management, supporting the development of offshore oil and gas infrastructure, and many other fields.
Minister of Environment and Climate Change HE Sheikh Dr Faleh bin Nasser bin Ahmed bin Ali Al Thani on Monday received high-resolution maps of Qatar’s beaches during his visit to the ExxonMobil Research Qatar (EMRQ) Center at Qatar Science and Technology Park.
During the visit, the minister listened to an explanation about the most important activities of the centre and reviewed with officials the prospects for cooperation in various fields of common interest.
Between 2016 and 2020, EMRQ developed the map covering 4,500 square kilometres of the coastal area of Qatar, using new geospatial algorithms and techniques, such as remote sensing and light and range detection (LiDAR). The final map shows the abundance and diversity of coastal habitats, including seagrass, mangroves and coral reefs.
The main results obtained also showed that the benthic areas near the beaches in Qatar are covered by 55 percent sand, 14 percent by scattered seaweed, 14 percent by macroalgae, 13 percent by dense seaweed and two percent by Coral reefs.
Benthic coastal mapping helps decision makers understand the natural environment around them and analyse changes on an ongoing basis. These maps play a key role in making ecosystem-based management decisions related to fishing management, supporting the development of offshore oil and gas infrastructure, and many other fields.