Perhaps an unlikely viral internet sensation, but American Municipal Court Judge, Frank Caprio has won millions of heart around the world through his displays of compassion.His judicial work is televised on the ABC series, Caught in Providence and the show often shares impactful snippets on their social media.The latest video to catch our attention was one in which he treated a Pakistani student, Ama Salman who had gotten three parking tickets with the utmost kindness.Ama, who shared he'd been in the United States for three years appeared nervous during the hearing."In Pakistan, lot of people love you and watch your videos," said Ama to which Judge Caprio jokingly replied: "Oh so you're trying to butter me up?"He was extremely polite to Ama, and actually paid for his fines through some funds he'd received from a family who wanted to help someone in need. He also wished Ama good luck for his future in the United States, and hoped he would someday have a family of his own and settle properly in the U.S; he even invited him to a Caprio Sunday dinner!Justice is a public service that isn't treated much like one; the poor bear the brunt of a broken system but not in Providence, not in Frank's court. Here's hoping more legal systems can operate this way.Judge Caprio is an agent of justice in a society plagued by racial and xenophobic prejudices. In a world full of Trumps, be like Frank.
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Judge Frank Caprios kind conduct towards a Pakistani student has gone viral
Qatar Tribune
Aug 13, 2019