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Qatar Central Bank (QCB) granted a license to Sadad Payment Solutions Company to provide payment services in the State of Qatar, making it the third company that obtained this license from Qatar Central Bank. This license will strength the services provided by Sadad Payment Services Company (Sadad merchant and company services), which the company has been providing since its establishment in 2018 to become one of the leading payment solutions providers in the Qatari market.

The Sadad Payment Solutions is Qatar’s leading business-to-business payment solutions provider and offers distinguished systems for managing electronic payments. The company started its first transactions through the payment gateway in 2018. The company is currently carrying out its

transactions in Qatari riyals and many international currencies in a safe manner.

The company uses a tool known as API modules to provide effective payment solutions for small and medium-sized companies operating in various sectors within Qatar. This allows customers to carry out their transactions through websites easily. Sadad Payment Solutions is characterized by providing electronic invoice services, which contribute to providing an easy billing experience to its customers.

Sadad has succeeded in developing and launching an integrated package of electronic payment solutions that contributed to making a fundamental change in the financial technology sector in Qatar. Among the electronic payment solutions are electronic payment services (Sadad merchant and company services), and comprise multiple payment methods, including NAPS, Visa, MasterCard, and Apple Pay, as well as Google Play.

This is to link companies operating in the market and provide a variety of services that facilitate their work.

In October 2022, the company launched “Sadad Business”, the latest electronic solutions for payment systems and points of sale in Qatar, which provides smart phones with secure payment systems and electronic points of sale (POS) services for merchants and companies.

Sadad has commenced its journey to provide electronic payment solutions services for companies and businesses in the State of Qatar and provides an integrated and ideal electronic payment solutions system for various businesses. The vision of Sadad Payment Solutions is to support e-commerce, facilitate online payment method in the State of Qatar in line with the

Qatar National Vision 2030, and provide easy, secure, and smart online payment services, with international standards, in the State of Qatar.

Sadad aspires to create a positive impact on business to achieve lasting profit growth, ensure long-term business success for companies, contribute to promoting the establishment of a cashless economy in Qatar, and support the development of e-commerce, especially home-based one, in the State of Qatar. Sadad Payment Solutions complies with the laws and regulatory instructions of the State of Qatar and the Qatar Central Bank and applies international standards of compliance in the field of electronic payment services.

Sadad provides a platform of next-generation payment services for companies and merchants. These services include, but are not limited to:

 Sadad InvoicecTracking:> This enables you to accept your payments quickly across the world 24/7. Through it, you can receive invoice payment notifications by e-mail. Also, no website and mobile app are required.

E-Payment GatewaycTracking:> With Sadad Payment Gateway, you will be able to offer integrated payment options, and the payment gateway provides you with a multilingual payment page. It will also enable your customers to make secure payments without leaving your website.

 Sadad Smart StorecTracking:> With Sadad Smart Store, your customers can order anytime and from anywhere. The customer can browse, search, order and track products using your customized web or mobile app.

 Sadad FinTech Platform holds international quality certificates in the field of information security, as it adheres to international standards for information security and confidentiality and applies them in a highly professional manner. Among the international quality certificates obtained by Sadad FinTech Platform are ISO 27001, Mcafee, Comodo Secure and PCI DSS certifications.

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