Bollywood's perfectionist Aamir Khan has teamed up with Bollywood Parks Dubai for a ride based on his Oscar-nominated film Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India. The ride is named Lagaan: Thrill of Victory, and the actor is happy that the film still has a special place among film lovers across the world.
"We make films with a lot of heart and emotions and some of them get this strange intangible quality which connects with people and Lagaan...'was one such film it connected with people across the world. It travelled on its own, we didn't have to do anything with it," Aamir said.
The 2001 sports-drama produced by Aamir Khan Productions was set in the Victorian period of India's colonial British Raj. The story revolved around a small village whose inhabitants, burdened by high taxes, find themselves in an extraordinary situation as an arrogant officer challenges them to a game of cricket as a wager to levy more taxes. The ride has a twist for guests of the park with Aamir playing two different characters.
Commenting on his dual characters, the PK star said:"One of the characters is the original Bhuvan, and the other is the maker of this ride, his great-great-grandson, and he looks very different. We went for a steam-punk look as his character get-up, to give it a more futuristic look. He is very proud of his great-great-grandfather." The actor added:"The ride is about giving people an exciting time, a feeling of exhilaration, and it will take you back to the film. So, for people who have seen the movie, it will be a nostalgic experience. We wanted it to be an exciting ride for everyone, it's bound to give you a rush."
Bollywood Parks Dubai, the world's first Bollywood-inspired theme park and a part of Dubai Parks and Resorts, will open on October 31.