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Qatar tribune
Santhosh Chandran 
The Central Vegetable Market that has been shifted from Doha to Sailiya opened on Saturday. The main market and adjacent spices and fruits market (Kilo Market) that also shifted from Abu Hamour will also be operational from Sunday.  
In an effort to support agricultural sector and farmers, the authorities have offered attractive facilities such as air conditioned auction area, packing facilities and adequate storage space for local farmers. 
Traditional Omani market will also be  relocated to new premises at Al Wakra.
Over 40 vegetable shops at vegetable market and 138 shops at Kilo market closed on Friday.
According to the information received by transportations firms and shops, the first auction of imported vegetables will commence at new market on Sunday morning.
A shopper at market said, “We received a notice for relocation three weeks back.But there were unauthentic information that all shoppers will get relaxation in time for relocation. But all of it happened on Friday and all are forced to relocate on Friday itself”.
Speaking to Qatar Tribune, a spice shopper said that the long distance from Doha will slow down their business for few days at the beginning. Many of the retailers are not familiar with the new location. We are hardly expecting individual customers or families those who shares considerable part of our business in Doha”.
A section of shoppers at Kilo market said that business at new destination will be hard and struggling for many wholesalers with high rent at new market. We need to pay more than 300 fold rent at new premises.
Central Vegetable market is the only source in Doha for fresh vegetables and fruits for hundreds of retailers and restaurants in Doha and its outskirts. The market ideally located in Doha was easily accessible everybody including individuals and families.
The relocation will also affect large number of restaurants and other shops that depends on the customers who arrives in market for everyday business.
The new market at Sailiya (Street 17) has allotted limited are of space for shoppers. Each space have given specific numbers and minimum facilities. The lack of facilities such as shutters for shops and storage facilities for valuables are says the major drawback of new premises.
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