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Qatar tribune
Tribune News Network
The Italian Embassy is Qatar on Monday said the country hard-hit by the coronavirus pandemic is “touched by Qatar’s generosity” and would never forget its friendship.
In a tweet, the embassy expressed its gratitude after more Qatari Amiri Air Force planes were sent to Italy with ventilators, masks and medical equipment to help the country fight the outbreak. 
“More Qatar Amiri Air Force aircraft are flying to #Italy with ventilators, masks and medical equipment donated by @qatar_fund to support Italian healthcare professionals. We are touched by #Qatar’s generosity and will never forget your friendship. #ThankyouQatar,” the tweet read.
Earlier, Qatar sent two field hospitals to Italy. One of the field hospitals has a 5,200-square-meter area and the other a 4,000-square-meter area and each will have a 500-bed capacity.
The hospitals are fully equipped with modern technology to treat COVID-19 infected patients, it added.
Italy has reported the highest number of deaths from the virus at more than 17,000, while over 24,000 people have recovered.
After first appearing in Wuhan, China, last December, the virus has spread to at least 184 countries and regions.
The data shows more than 1.43 million cases have been reported worldwide with the death toll over 82,000 and over 301,100 recoveries.

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