Catherine W GichukiDohaThe Qatar Charity has provided the Ethiopian Embassy in Doha with a consignment of food items for 300 households as part of its domestic efforts to reach out to communities in need of help amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.The food aid consists of sugar, cooking oil, rice, salt, flour and pasta among other items and will be distributed to needy Ethiopian families in Qatar.Speaking to Qatar Tribune on Wednesday, Ethiopian Ambassador to Qatar HE Samia Zekaria said the mission received the consignment around 10 days ago. Since then the provisions are being distributed to families in need of food items.“We are trying to identify those who are really in need in the community. There are people who don’t even know who their sponsors are.”She said that with the help of the community leaders, they are able to identify the needy cases and the package is delivered to them.The ambassador said that she was really grateful for Qatar Charity’s efforts in supporting the community. “Qatar Charity is doing a great job. If it were not for them we couldn’t have been able to handle all these needy cases. The number of those in need keeps on growing as days go by. Qatar Charity has really given us a big help.”Currently, there are about 25,000 Ethiopians working and living in Qatar.Qatar Charity Customer Service Manager, Communication and Resource, Development Sector Abdulaziz Jassim A J Haji said that so far they have delivered food to 30 embassies and will continue delivering to more.He said that Qatar Charity has also started a link whereby people can go and register their information in case they are in need.