He has performed different characters in the films Pyaar Toh Hona Hi Tha, Golmaal: Fun Unlimited, Raajneeti and Omkara. Ajay Devgn, who is lauded for his versatile acting talent, says for him every role is challenging."I think every role is challenging. As an actor, when you wake up in the morning and go on the sets you don't plan your day like 'today I am going to enter this genre'," Ajay said at the fifth edition of CII Big Picture Summit 2016.
The 47-year-old star, who is the husband of actress Kajol, said that an actor has nothing to do with the genre of a film."An actor has nothing to do with genre. He becomes that character once he's in front of the camera and performs," he said.
Ajay, who made his Bollywood debut over two decades ago with the film Phool Aur Kaante, says he has seen a good change in the Hindi film industry. The National Award winning star, who has worked in hits like Ishq, Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam and Drishyam, says that the industry has become very professional.
"It's really changed. We (actors) have started taking our work very seriously. In the 90s there were no promotions, no vanity vans. Everything has gradually changed. It has become more professional. I think the change was for the good except for one thing," he said. The Gangaajal star said there was more warmth in the industry before.
"I think there was more warmth. Everybody liked everybody. There were no problems and no issues. I miss that warmth. That's the major change which I see today," added the actor, who was promoting his forthcoming film Shivaay.
Ajay has acted in, directed and co-produced Shivaay. The film, which is slated to release on October 28, will clash at the box office with filmmaker Karan Johar's Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. The film also stars Sayyeshaa Saigal, Erika Kaar, Vir Das and Girish Karnad.