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Qatar tribune



Delivery riders who do not stick to the right-most lane on the highway stand liable for fines as of Wednesday (November 16), the General Directorate of Traffic (GDT) announced on Sunday.

The traffic authority said the fines will be issued as per a new policy that requires delivery riders will keep both their hands on the handle and secure their loads (order boxes) while riding the two-wheelers.

The policy stipulates separate safety conditions for the bike, the rider as well as the order box, and bans more than one person from riding the delivery bikes.

As per the policy, the order box cannot be bigger than 120 centimetres in length and 60 cm in width, and the length of the box with the bike should not exceed 3 metres. The policy also calls for phosphorus reflectors to be placed on the edges of the box for visibility at night.

For the bike, side jacks are now mandatory to ensure balance. Businesses are also required to ensure the permit number is displayed on the bike, which should also be registered with the employer.

The bike ride must possess a motor-driving license and must comply with safety and security measures.

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