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Qatar tribune

Qatar University (QU) has announced that it will turn the room where Argentine player Lionel Messi stayed during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 into a small museum.

The university campus was the base camp of the La Albiceleste during their 29 days of the tournament, and had added some Argentinian touches to make the players feel at home.

The QU has decorated the place in the blue and white theme replicating the colour of the jersey of the Argentinian team.

The university has adorned the rooms with photographs of the jerseys of the players and the names of several players written over them. There are also autographs by the players and a large Qatari and Argentine flag adorn the entrance of the area.

In a new video released by QU, it shows the campus decked up in blue and white, and its halls filled with posters of the World Cup champions, their autographs and jerseys. (TNN)

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