PANAMA CITY/HAVANA The sudden decision by President Barack Obama to end a long-standing policy giving Cuban migrants automatic entry has come as a cold, hard punch to the gut. The long route to the US border is a migration pipeline that can take years for Cubans to complete. The president's move to scrap the 1995 policy known as 'wet foot, dry foot' means that Cubans without visas arriving in the United States by land or sea now risk being turned away, unless they claim asylum or humanitarian imperatives. (AFP)
United States
Cuban migrants furious at end of US policy
Jan 15, 2017
PANAMA CITY/HAVANA The sudden decision by President Barack Obama to end a long-standing policy giving Cuban migrants automatic entry has come as a cold, hard punch to the gut. The long route to the US border is a migration pipeline that can take years for Cubans to complete. The president's move to scrap the 1995 policy known as 'wet foot, dry foot' means that Cubans without visas arriving in the United States by land or sea now risk being turned away, unless they claim asylum or humanitarian imperatives. (AFP)