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Qatar tribune

Ashraf Siddiqui


Zhu Rui, assistant minister of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (CCCP) of China, has stressed the importance of maintaining bilateral consultations and exchanging views between Qatar and China to achieve further stability and peace in the region.

He said that Qatar-China relations are important for the peace of the region.

A six-member delegation headed by Rui was in Qatar on a two-day visit. This was the first leg of the delegation’s three-state trip that includes visits to Kuwait and Iraq.

He said their visit aims to enhance relations between the two countries and get introduced to more friends in Qatar.

Rui said the delegation met Secretary-General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs HE Dr Ahmed bin Hassan Al Hammadi and Deputy Speaker of Shura Council HE Dr Hamda bint Hassan Al Sulaiti.

“Chinese people like to know more about Qatar and China welcomes people from Qatar to visit their country to enable them explore more about each other and to strengthen ties between both the countries,” he said.

He praised Qatar for its remarkable development and achievements in a short period as well as for gaining the status of a safe and secure state in an equally short span of time.

“Qatar was able to make tremendous achievements because of its clear focus on education, technology and research,” he said, adding that both Qatar and China have opted the path of peace and believe in enhancing peaceful co-existence instead of becoming part of conflicts and clashes which cannot bring peace in society and the region.

Rui said he was amazed by the recently hosted well-organised, successful and peaceful World Cup by Qatar which has further elevated Qatar in the eyes of the world.

“Diplomatic relations between Qatar and China were established on July 9, 1988, and since then bilateral relations have attained new heights for the best of the people on mutual respect and confidence between both the countries. China is the largest importer of Qatari LNG and has become largest trading partner with Qatar,” he noted.

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