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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) organised ‘Qatar ICT Forum 2023’ at Alwadi Hotel Doha-MGallery with the aim of meeting with the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) ecosystem stakeholders and discussing key topics on the development of the ICT sector and the latest digital trends.

The forum was attended by Minister of Communications and Information Technology HE Mohammed bin Ali Al-Mannai and other high-ranking officials, along with experts and senior professionals from the local ICT sector and other sectors, in addition to representatives of academia, government entities in Qatar and global industry leaders.

The forum’s agenda included a couple of panels focused on the role of technology innovation for digital economy growth and perspectives on bridging the skills gap for digital acceleration. The event also included an informative session with a series of presentations on the findings of CRA’s ICT Sector Research Study conducted in 2022 and the regional market outlook. The forum also allowed for active open floor discussions, which involved various industry experts and stakeholders.

During the forum, HE Mohammed bin Ali Al-Mannai launched a report developed by CRA, titled ‘Qatar’s ICT Landscape and Digital Trends 2022’, which was developed based on CRA’s large-scale strategic research study. It is the first comprehensive study for the ICT sector in Qatar focusing on its supply-side, and providing extensive sector data and information, while exploring the gaps, challenges, opportunities for future ICT sector growth, and its potential to enable the digital economy. The report is instrumental in building measurements and insights for the sector for a wide audience from the ICT ecosystem stakeholders, including government entities, private enterprises, and potential investors.

HE Al-Mannai said: “We held this forum out of our eagerness to meet annually with key players and stakeholders in the ICT sector to exchange views and experiences. We are pleased to launch Qatar’s ICT Landscape and Digital Trends 2022 report, which represents a significant step towards measuring the digital economy and the ICT sector’s growth and maturity. The report fills a large gap in essential data and information about the sector, provides a unique perspective on the local market landscape, tracks global technology trends, and highlights key factors for growth. It is informative and illustrative and supports us in measuring progress towards our ambition for Qatar to become a digital hub and transfer to a knowledge-based economy.”

Qatar’s ICT Landscape and Digital Trends 2022 report can be accessed through CRA’s website via the link: https://www.cra.gov.qa/-/media/QR Code/20230227 - ICT sector landscape_v55

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