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Lani Rose R Dizon

Established in 2015, the Doha Women Forum (DWF) has quickly become a prominent hub where women leaders from various sectors and industries inspire fellow women to succeed in their careers and make a difference in their own fields. This growing community and movement among women in Qatar was the brainchild of Conchita Ponce, the Founder of the Forum who is also a highly experienced events specialist, entrepreneur, and networker in the country.

Doha Women Forum has already collaborated with a number of high-profile speakers in its previous editions, including women leaders, as well as dignitaries and industry leaders from various sectors in Qatar. The Forum explored various themes such as ‘Women as Agents of Change to Build a Better Society’, ‘Press for Progress’, ‘Balance for Better’, and ‘Women, Sports, and Climate Change’ to name a few.

Some of the speakers included record-setting Qatari athlete Sheikha Asma Al Thani, the first Qatari woman to summit Mount Everest, Qatari Businesswomen Association’s Vice-Chairwoman Aisha Alfardan, Qatar Women’s Sport Committee President Lolwa Al Marri, Microsoft’s Country Manager for Qatar Lana Khalaf, and other dignitaries such as Argentianian Ambassador to Qatar H E CarlosHernandez, Canadian Ambassador to Qatar H E Stefanie McCollum, and French Ambassador to Qatar H E Jean Baptiste, among many others.

In an interview with Qatar Tribune, Ponce reiterated the Forum’s commitment to empowering women here to reach their full potential and make a difference in their own fields and communities. Excerpts of the interview:

What was your inspiration for starting the Doha Women Forum?

Having been in Qatar for long, I’ve seen and heard many stories of women living and working here. Some were good and some were not so good and I felt like there is a need for women to have a space where they can either be heard or be someone to somebody who can make a difference. So the first edition of DWF was in 2015 at Torch Hotel and the main theme was ‘Women as Agent of Change to Build a Better Society’, where I invited women who were successful in their own right to inspire and motivate us, their fellow women to become better versions of ourselves and become an agent of change.

We didn’t have the Forum in 2016 and 2017 because I decided to work full time in my job and became extremely busy at work. But when my mom died in November 2017, I resigned from my job and went back to doing events again. And one of the events that was really lingering in my mind was the Doha Women Forum. I was a little apprehensive at first, but when a friend of mine affirmed me I went ahead. In September 2018, the 2nd edition of DWF was reborn. This time I wanted to challenge the women to become more proactive in their roles as a woman; and so each year I aligned DWF’s theme to the theme of International Women’s Day to help highlight the significance of the Forum and its mission in the larger context of women’s empowerment and gender equality.

Also, DWF is held every last week of September as a tribute to my mom who raised me well and loved me unconditionally.

Why are you very passionate about empowering women?

When women are empowered, they can improve their own lives and the lives of those around them. So what is really giving me an inspiration to continue DWF? I may not be able to change the world in one day, or one month or one year but through my efforts to empower women, I am making a difference in my own little way. Even if just one person is inspired or influenced by the events I organise, that is enough for me to continue what I have started. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and empower women to reach their full potential.

How has the Forum evolved since it started?

The evolution of the Doha Women Forum has been a testament to the power of good intentions and a real commitment to our goals. We believe that when your motives are right and your goals are genuine, people can feel that energy and are inspired to support your cause. Our success is not only measured by the number of people we have impacted, but also by the positive impact we have created in the lives of those we touch. We are excited to continue growing and empowering women to create a better world for us all.

Moving forward, how do you envision the future of Doha Women Forum?

In terms of future direction, the Doha Women Forum can focus on expanding its outreach and impact by partnering with other organisations and initiatives that share its goals. The forum can also continue to provide platforms for women to network, share ideas and experiences, and collaborate on projects that promote gender equality.

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